Elaine is a well established Sports Deep tissue & Holistic Therapist working with an array of people from the general public to elite athletes.
With a background in Learning Disabilities & Challenging Behavior . Elaine has a degree in Sports Health & Physical Recreation & a HND in Sports Science.
In her youth Elaine Swam for Lancashire reaching a high standard, she now competes in Triathlon & Long distance Swimming events. Thus helping clients particularly in sports prepare for their events & the challenges it can bring from novice to elite.
Elaine offers a Sports massage clinic under the umbrella of BEC rehab, based at Norden (ebladesjordan@gmail.com) on varies days & a Tuesday day clinic at Trident between 10:30 am and 13:00 hrs, (Becrehab booking link.)
Elaine has also been the director of Hopwood Trot (10k Running event) and is also established in Sports photography - taking photos for many sporting events . She is looking to manage & help Trident, Health & Performance develop in this area.
She has also helped sports clubs develop their websites & social media pages & is helping Tridents Health Performance develop theirs.
Elaine has a keen interest in helping & motivating others to follow and achieve their lifetime goals.